ATLAS Exchanging Knowledge er en gratis forelesningsrekke ledet av ECIA som del av det EU-støttede prosjektet Building Connections for a Stronger Profession. De seks forelesningene skal dele kunnskap innen interiørarkitekturfeltet for å styrke vår profesjon og understøtte livslang læring.
Lecture number three speculates on "The City of Proximity" by Prof. Ezio Manzini. In conversation with Dr. Albert Fuster, this talk invites us to imagine the so-called 15-minutes city, where functional and relational proximities enable citizens to feel closeness with each other. For over three decades Ezio Manzini has been working in the field of design for sustainability, for which he has recently received the Lifetime Achievement Award. Interested in social innovation for sustainable changes, he started DESIS, an international network of schools of design for social innovation.
Fredag 15. november 2024
Klokken 11-12
ZOOM Webinar
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