Marius Sveen


Karl Marius Sveen ('77) studied at the National College of Art and Design in Bergen, Norway.

He Founded "Bare Møbler Designstudio" in the same city in 2003. Their "Eiko" won the "Chair of the year" award from Elle Interiør in 2004, and Bare Møbler were named "Best young designers" in 2006 by Norsk Form.

Karl Marius draws inspiration from the Scandinavian way of thinking and living. This can be seen in his products, which are easy and simple furniture, with both aesthetic and functional values.

Today Karl Marius runs his own design business in Oslo, and he is also a partner in Mokasser AS



2004 Hovedfagsoppgave: Gamle håndverkstradisjoner i moderne design. ”Hvordan kombinere norske håndtverkstradisjoner med moderne teknologi og design”.,

2003 Stipendiat, industrirettet møbeldesign i regi TBL møbel og innredning. Feltstudie av Norske designbedrifter, utplassering ved Nesje møbelfabrikk AS.

2003 Kandidateksamen interiørarkitektur og møbeldesign ved Kunsthøgskolen i Bergen.